Sag Rod/ Mild Steel Sag Rod Manufacturers Suppliers Dealers in Aurangabad

Samarth Corporation is the leading Sag Rods Manufacturers, Suppliers, Dealers in Aurangabad. We have a wide variety of products and are committed to delivering quality products. We have been able to provide high-quality products with a variety that is unmatched by any other company in this industry.

The Sag Rods Manufacturers Suppliers Dealers in Aurangabad,, have been in operation for more than a decade and have established a reputation for quality products and latest variety. Samarth Corporation offers products at competitive prices to meet the needs of customers.

The Sag Rods suppliers in Aurangabad, company is committed to providing best services to its customers with the help of its experienced staff members. We sag rods dealers in Aurangabad also provide timely deliveries and ensure that there are no delays in the process of deliveries.

The latest variety includes 25mm, 50mm, 75mm and 100mm rods that are made from high-grade carbon steel with a chrome finish that is guaranteed to last for many years.

Introduction: Sag Rods

Sag rods are inserted into a threaded hole in the end of a bolt or a stud to prevent it from turning. They can be used to provide additional strength to a fastener and help prevent it from pulling out. It is also commonly used in heavy duty applications where more than one bolt is required to secure an object.

The purpose of a sag rod is to stop the bolt from turning when it is being tightened. It can be made of steel, brass, bronze, aluminum or plastic. The most common are steel and brass.

It is an important component of a fastener. It is used to lock the head of the bolt and nut to prevent loosening. The sag rod is made from a hard steel wire that is inserted into the hole in the nut. The wire then locks into place in the threaded hole in the bolt head, preventing loosening of both components.


  • The sag length is directly related to how much torque will be needed for tightening purposes. The Sag Rods are used in Fasteners to provide a tighter grip on Fasteners and it is an important component that needs to be taken into consideration while designing any kind of Fastener.
  • In the design of a Fastener, one of the most important considerations is the amount of Sag that will exist in Rod or Bolt and this depends upon how much Torque will be needed for tightening purposes.
  • The purpose of Sag Rods is meant to reduce the stress on the bridge and to strengthen it. By doing so, they prevent the bridge from collapsing, which can happen if there is too much weight on it.



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